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The rear area of the rather large backyard was once a dog kennel, and still had a few of the metal fence-posts. With this shape as inspiration, we constructed a maze that far out-did the one in 1997. We had PVC and 2'x4' posts with wire strung between, and plastic tarp hung from them. At most of the dead-ends we built some decoration, making use of an old couch and rusty tool-shed in the center. Here's the layout:
+=======+=======+=======================================+=======+ + | | | [5] | | | | | | | | | | [7] | [6] | | [4] | | | | | | | | | | | +===============+=======+ + | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +===+ C | | | | | | | | O | | | + | | | + | U | +=======+ | | | | | | C | | | | | | [11] +===+ H | | | | | | | | | + + + | +=======+=======+===============+ | | | | T | | | | | O | | | | | O | | | | L [1] | | +===============+ | - +===============+ | | S | X [9] | H | | | E | | | | D | | | +===============+ +===============+ +=======+ | | | | | | | [8] | | [2] | [3] | | | [10] | | | | | | | | +=======================+=======================+===============+=======+
- Dungeon: A skeleton hangin spread-eagle in chains on the ceiling, various bones on the floor, axes, chains, netting and a red light.
- Electrocuted Man: Imagine our electric-chair guy standing up. Behind him was Fog-Machine One.
- Tree: Another version of our withered trees, with jack-o-lanterns around the base, and a flying bat circling overhead (this was the only area of the maze with an open ceiling).
- Witch: An upside-down hanging skeleton and a witch's head with flashing eyes. The lamest corner of the maze.
- Baby Heads: Strung along the longest hallway were several baby-doll heads with bugs and glow-sticks inside. Along the ground was a string of small black-lights.
- Decapitated Woman: Dana designed the best decoration of all. Behind her was Fog-Machine Two.
- Skulls: Three skulls with glowing eyes and two broomsticks. Last sight before the exit, unless you noticed the "back-side of the maze".
- Web: Two large spiders and a whole lotta webbing with a large black light.
- Light: I had a small window at [X] where I could watch from where I was DJing and trigger a switch that would flash a 300 watt light atop the shed at people. Evil fun.
- Invisible Man: A top-hat, hands and a wine glass hung by a slow-flashing strobe behind sheets of clear celophane and strips of fishing line that unwitting people would walk into.
- Serial Killer's Bedroom: A red light hung over the couch, and hanging on the wall opposite were large head-shots of several famous peacemakers:
The first seven were crossed-out with black spray-paint, and The Pope was circled as the next intended target. VERY politcally incorrect and tasteless.
- John F Kennedy
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
- Malcolm X
- John Lennon
- Ghandi
- Princess Diana
- Mother Theresa
- Pope John Paul II
- Nelson Mandela
- The Dali Lama
The Stage The Graveyard The Bar The Maze