[Last Update: ]


We a had a large tarped-over frame, which initially housed the pool-table, but it was moved and covered so we could accomodate the band instead. The whole frame was covered in webbing, as well as five large spiders and about forty small ones. Further behind was a small table and benches, the Giant Jenga, and the back gate, which many of the guys exited to piss in the alley, since the port-a-potty never showed.

Also back here, bordering the side of the graveyard, was a small enclosure with gargoyles atop it. When you looked into a small opening on the front, you saw the special-effect of a floating face beyond it, just over the fence of the graveyard. This was produced by a TV reflecting off a window glass we had propped against the fence.


The House The Tunnel
The Bar The Yard
The Back The Graveyard

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