[Last Update: ]


Rowland built a large maze on the far side of the house, first of PVC supported by fishing wire, but the infamous Santa Ana winds blew it over. It was rebuilt with wooden posts and steel wire, thus becoming a temporary structure that you could literally have moved into. Pitch black and fog-filled, it startled many a party-goer as they wandered about confused and lost. At one point late in the party, the motion sensor went off continuously, making it very public what two people were trying to do privately in that corner.

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  1. Due to the threat of rain, Rowland moved his DJ set-up inside the entrance.
  2. HELLo tHERE from years past.
  3. A ghostly bride and groom floating over a grave, black-lit and fan-blown.
  4. The fog machine kept things pretty opaque.
  5. As you reached this corner, a motion sensor triggered a tape loop of screaming and a strobe light, revealing a screaming victim lying under a flying devil, all criss-crossed in wiring.
  6. A small black light barely lit this last-minute addition: a large spider hanging in a web.
  7. Four skeletons hung along the wall dressed as The Village People and posed to spell out Y-M-C-A.
  8. A talking ghoul in a hanging cage.
  9. Strips of fishing-line hanging from the ceiling startled people in this, the darkest corner of the maze.
  10. A headless figure held aloft a grinning Jack-O-Lantern.

The Tunnel The Bar
The Yard The Maze

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