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The main portion of the party was in here. It was decorated by Dana, primarily with cobwebs, and a dummy hanging from the rafters. We had a couple card tables with chairs, and Patrick's bar with the four bar-stools newly upholstered in purple and two new wooden ones Dana picked up at Goodwill. The drinks flowed, the music blared!

We had a full bar going until after midnight, and as the alcohol depleted, Patrick was seen wandering the crowd offering shots from a bottle of Jeigermeister. Until that point, however, he'd barely been able to leave his post behind the bar. We had one special drink that we were charging a dollar each for: The Pan-Galactic Gargle-Blaster (from The Hitch-Hiker's Guide To The Galaxy) Drinking one is supposed to be "like having your brain smashed out by a lemon slice wrapped around a large gold brick." Our interpretation of that was lemon juice (for the lemon), Goldschlaiger (for the gold brick) Jeigermeister (for smashing out your brain) and the added touch of a small piece of dry-ice dropped in with tongs (for effect). This made for one cool drink, and Kudos to Sean for bringing an extra bottle each of the two main ingredients. Here's a list of everything else we had for mixing:

Nearly half the expense of the party was right there! We asked for a mere $2 per person for complete access to the bar and keg all night. Sure, some people managed to dodge this, but just as many gave above and beyond, so we came out with over a hundred bucks to help recoup our losses. This primarily went to breakfast at Spires for the main dozen Commune members the next day.

Speaking of food, you'd have lost your lunch after checking out what was on the shelves behind the bar. We had a wide variety of jars and bottles we'd picked up at thrift shops, as well as a few special-for-Halloween bottled sodas from the mall, and the last three bottles we got from a catalog. Here's a nearly complete list:

As for the music, Mike started out as DJ, but as he got drunker he delegated it to a few others, mostly Bret, until Rowland finally took over after nine o'clock for the rest of the night. He paused the music at ten for the pinata, and again at eleven or so for the costume contest, but he was pretty well stuck there all night, cranking tunes and keeping people from spilling beer on the CD's. We brought outside an assortment of tapes from Patrick, Rowland and Mike, and even ventured a little into the vinyl, but primarily stuck to Rowland's and Patrick's CD's. We managed to run the course from, punk, metal, industrial, from 60's rock to 80's dance, whatever. We kept the crowd happy, playing mostly requests.

The House The Tunnel
The Maze The Courtyard
The Yard The Garage
The Patio The Back

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